About Roller Records

Stein Tumert and Berdon Kirksaether

Roller Records was established in 1993 by Berdon Kirksaether as a small independent record company enabling Norwegian bluesrockers CIA to record and release their own music.

CIA released their first CD, "Ah, Yeah" in November 1993 to great acclaim in the Norwegian Music press. The release was followed by extensive touring, radio shows and TV appearences from Notodden BluesFestival. In June 1996 CIA released a single, which also got great reviews and was followed by numerous live shows and radio appearences until the band held their last gig in the fall of 1998.

RR was a sleeping record company for 11 years, until Berdon Kirksaether decided to build his own studio and together with long time fellow musician Stein Tumert reestablish Roller Records.

Roller Records currently manages the following artists:

- Berdon Kirksaether

- Johny Aasgaard

- Berdon Kirksaether & The Twang Bar Kings

- Berdon Kirksaether & Companeros

- Gjermund Andresen & Berdon Kirksaether


- Stina Nordskog

- Ole Ask

- Ole Ask (Norsk)

- SunHill

- Sonic Sun

- Tom Pettersen

- Bent Bredesen

- Per Eriksen

- Ring 3

- Guru U

- RadCon

- Super Flip


If you would like to contact Roller Records, please email us at contact@rollerrec.com